Eye care you can trust
Eye Examination
We take meticulous care of our patients with personalised eye tests that are tailored to the individual. We do not rush our appointments and our priority is to take the greatest care of your eyes.
Our optometrist will ask a series of questions about your general health and lifestyle before thoroughly testing your vision and checking the health of your eyes using equipment and methods that are simple and painless.
Eye tests check more than just your vision
Advancements in optical technology enable us to test more than just your eyesight during your eye examination.
The health of your eyes is also vitally important, so we use several instruments during your eye examination to ensure that your eyes are in good condition and to detect and monitor any changes that may indicate a problem.
Even if you’ve never visited the optician before, a regular eye examination not only checks your vision, but also means our optometrist is able to check the health of your eyes and look out for certain diseases.

Advanced OCT technology
We have invested in a Topcon Maestro 2 Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) machine, which is a hospital-quality scan that is carried out using cutting-edge technology to look more closely at your retina.
Many common eye diseases can creep up on you, without any significant symptoms.
An OCT scan enables our Optometrist to see what’s beneath the surface of your eye, providing a picture of the layers of your retina. We can then map out the layers and measure the thickness and also evaluate any disorders of the optic nerve.
Using this technology as part of your advanced eye examination can help detect eye conditions like glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, which are potentially sight-threatening if left untreated.